How to find your trusted person when you need support

28th July, 2023    |    By  reach Out    |     809

During tough times, it’s important to have someone you can talk to. Wangkatha man Benjamin (Woobilie) Stubbs shares his tips on how you can find your trusted person.

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Video provided by reach Out


Video Transcription

How to find your trusted person when you need support

I feel lost. I don’t know what to do. I don’t feel like myself. I feel tired all the time. Everything is so hard right now. I need some help.

We all go through tough times. That’s why it’s so important that we all have a trusted person we can turn to. They can give you support, wicked advice, or just help you take your mind off things.

There are so many different people you can go to for your trusted person. For example, it can be your footy coach, a mentor, a teacher at school, or someone you look up to. It can be one of your friends. It can be your mum, dad, uncle, aunty, nan, or pop.

I know we all got those uncles who love to talk. But seriously, family members are really good for being your trusted person.

How do you find your trusted person? First, you might think about the thing that’s getting you down, and then think about a certain person. If it feels right, it’s probably right. So go try, have a chat with them.

There have been parts of my life where I’ve needed a trusted person. Not too long ago, I had to deal with a lot of online racism and stuff like that. Lucky for me, my trusted person was my dad.

By speaking to another person, it’s a really good outlet. Even elders in your community are really good people to talk to. They’ve got a lot of wisdom. Believe it or not, a lot of those old people have been through the same things you’re going through.

And remember, even famous footy players have mentors.

Video by ReachOut