YES: Why is this word so important?

15th March, 2018    |    By  Project Rockit    |     1.9k

In Episode 10, Ro, Archie and Alex discuss how simply saying ‘YES’ to back yourself is be courageous but worthwhile, even when you’re nervous.

  1. Archie finds saying ‘YES’ to certain social situations difficult, is there a setting where you struggle to say ‘YES’?
  2. When is it important for you personally to not say ‘YES?’
  3. Can you think of a time that even though you were nervous, you said ‘YES’ and it totally paid off? Want more resources like these?

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Also check the related topics:  

Self esteem Managing friendships Body Image Anxiety

Video provided by Project Rockit


Video Transcription

YES: Why is this word so important?

Today is all about the power of saying yes. It’s about recognizing those times you need to smash that self-doubt and just back yourself.

But before we kick off today, I want to start by playing a little bit of a game. Basically, I’m gonna say some things to you, and you have to answer using only the words “thank you.” Okay?
“No thank you.”
“Thank you.”

We’ll start small.

“Archie, you’ve got a really cool name.”
“Thank you.”
“Archie, I really like your belly button ring.”
“It doesn’t exist, but thank you.”
“Thank you.”

Okay, I’ll go real.

“Archie, my favorite quality about you is that I think you’re a really amazing listener, and you’ve helped me through some massively hard times.”
“Thank you.”

A little bit awkward, but thank you.

I feel like it was a bit awkward for me to actually say that too. It’s like, why are the compliments that mean the most to us the hardest to accept?

Yeah, well, I guess sometimes accepting a compliment feels like we’re agreeing, or we actually have to believe it ourselves. And let’s face it, we spend a bit of time doubting ourselves.

Accepting compliments is just one small thing, but what we’re really talking about here is saying yes to who you are.

The word “no” can keep us safe sometimes and make us feel like we’re in control. But sometimes, it also closes doors. And the word “yes,” on the other hand, opens them. It brings us new experiences, opportunities, and sometimes new mates.

So what we’re gonna do now is each share an experience where we’ve struggled to back ourselves.

I’ll start.

Okay, so you guys can’t tell this through your screens, but I actually suffer from imposter syndrome. You know, those situations where you just feel like a total imposter, like a fraud? It’s kind of like you’re waiting for everyone around you to start noticing that you don’t deserve to be there, or you’re not good enough, or you don’t deserve your achievements.

So if you’ve got a little imposter voice in your head, maybe next time it speaks up, maybe you just say yes and see where it takes you.


Yeah, well, for me, sometimes I struggle to say yes in social situations. And even though I’d like to meet new people and make new friends, sometimes I find myself saying no because it’s easier.

Recently, I was invited to a party. I only knew one person, and I was a mess beforehand. I was anxious, I was sweaty, I was a minute away from writing a message saying I couldn’t come. But I said yes, and I went.

And you know what happened? I just met a bunch of really nice people, and I made a group of friends who now I can’t imagine life without. So it was scary saying yes for me, but in that moment, imagine if I’d said no.

So we want to introduce you to our teammate Alex.

Alex, can you tell us about a time in which you said yes and it changed your life?

Yeah, absolutely. It was about three or four years ago, actually.

What? On a game show?

Tell me which one.

“Millionaire Hot Seat.”

Mm-hmm. And what happened?

So, they asked me to go on. To be honest, I really didn’t want to do it. I’m not the most confident person in the world and definitely not the smartest. But I thought, why not? And I said yes.

And what happened?

“Vexillology is the study of flags.”

So, because we all experience that seed of self-doubt and that feeling like maybe we can’t do it, it’s those negative thoughts that hold us back from trying new things.

That’s normal.

You know what, guys? You can still feel all of that and still say yes.

Yeah, and that nervous feeling you’re getting? That’s a signal that you’re about to experience something awesome and memorable.

So be brave and say yes.

Video by Project Rockit