What is mindfulness?

28th April, 2022    |    By  Bite Back    |     700

Discover what mindfulness is and how it can help you relax.

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What is mindfulness?

Ever feel like your mind is going a million miles an hour, and you just need something to help it slow down? That something is mindfulness. Mindfulness helps you pay attention to what’s happening in the present moment, and has great benefits for your health and wellbeing. It increases your positive emotions, improves physical health, lowers levels of depression and anxiety, and helps you manage stress. It enhances brain function and even improves how well you get along with people. One experiment compared a group who did eight weeks of mindfulness training with people who didn’t.

The group that practised mindfulness had actual changes in their brain activity. More activity in the bit of your brain that helps you feel good, and less in the areas associated with stress and worry. They also had stronger immune systems. Other benefits are improved memory, concentration, creative thinking, and how easily you learn. Best of all, mindfulness increases how happy you feel about your life. And just like physical exercise, the more you practise mindfulness, the better you get.

Video by Biteback