How Jordan manages her Borderline Personality Disorder

25th September, 2019    |    By  Reach Out    |     1.4k

Jordan shares how she manages Boderline Personality Disorder.

Also check the related topics:  

Psychosis and other mental illnesses Depression Anxiety

Video provided by Reach Out


Video Transcription

How Jordan manages her Borderline Personality Disorder

My name is Jordan. I’m 22, about to turn 23, and I live in Roseville.

In high school, I started self-harming, and I withdrew quite a lot. Then I got to Year 12 and took on three major works, which was probably a very bad idea. I ended up moving out of home because my home life was just so disruptive, and that’s probably the most alone I’ve ever felt. I somehow managed to finish, and I got into media at university.

By this point, I was living with a long-term boyfriend of mine. He was very supportive at the start and really helpful, but I started to really backslide. My depression just got on top of me, my anxiety got worse, and I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

I went on to ReachOut and read a lot about it, and it helped me understand because it was written in a way that I could relate to. I started failing my way through university quite a bit, and in the end, my boyfriend found it a bit overwhelming and broke up with me. That led to me massively backsliding, and that was around the time I first tried to kill myself.

My mum suggested that I admit myself to a psychiatric hospital. I was there for a couple of weeks, and I actually found that really helpful. It set me up with a routine, and I met some other people who I could connect to for the first time in my life. They understood me. There were psychologists there, and that was really helpful. I thought I’d sort of gotten back on track.

After I came out of the hospital, I switched back into my old ways. Then, out of nowhere, I started doing CBT with one particular psychologist. I found I really connected with her, and she was really helpful. She gave me a lot of tips and techniques to manage my depression and anxiety. I was on a different kind of medication as well, which I think helped.

Through ReachOut, I also learned a lot about self-care. I’ve started volunteering with ReachOut, and I’ve found that it’s given me a lot of purpose. It’s made me happy, actually.

Video by Reach Out