Why is gratitude and how can it help you feel good?

28th April, 2022    |    By  Bite Back    |     705

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Why is gratitude and how can it help you feel good?

You know that feeling when things are going well and you really notice the good things in your life? That feeling is gratitude. In psychology, gratitude is a felt sense of wonder, thankfulness, and appreciation for life. And it has a whole lot of benefits. Gratitude not only feels good, it improves how happy and how healthy you are. It helps you feel better, enjoy life, be closer to family and friends, lower negative emotions, and bounce back from the hard times. It even helps protect against depression and other negative headspaces.

Psychologists have done a lot of research on gratitude and studied thousands of people. They’ve discovered that people who are grateful have more positive feelings, are more alert, have more energy, can pay better attention, and get better sleep. And it’s pretty simple to do. You can start by just writing down three things you’re grateful for every night. The more you practise gratitude, the more grateful you’ll be.

Video by Biteback