JAKE | What I've learnt from therapy

23rd August, 2022    |    By  Beyond Blue    |     734

Guilt and shame defined Jake’s life for over a decade. He couldn’t see past his own self-loathing. When he asked for help, everything changed. And while talking was hard, it was nothing compared to the anguish and loneliness of silence. From a place of hopelessness, Jake has come to accept that he’s worth recovering for. This story was filmed on Wurundjeri Country, and we pay respect to the traditional owners of these lands. Produced by Good Grief Productions.

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Suicide Traumatic incidents Coping with grief

Video provided by Beyond Blue


Video Transcription

JAKE | What I’ve learnt from therapy

There are certain things in life that are completely outside of your control. You can have all your ducks in a row, and then something’s going to throw a spanner in the works.

Growing up, I was super energetic, super playful, loved getting out of the house. My parents separated when I was six. Your parents at that age are God in your eyes, so not having one of them around—you don’t really understand separation, you don’t understand why they’ve gone. And then Dad was killed in a workplace accident.

When you’re 11 years old and you’re traumatised by something like that, you just immediately look for someone to blame or something to blame. And I blamed myself. So, I felt incredibly guilty; I felt extraordinary self-loathing. I was like, “This is all my fault.” It was really a case of pushing crap uphill all the time.

My lowest point came when I was 18. I was at a friend’s house for New Year’s, and I probably had a bit too much to drink. I tried to take my own life. I felt guilty all the time. I hated myself. And I thought, “If I have to put up with this for another 50 years, I’m not interested.”

I turned 22. I’d been around just as long without Dad as I had been with him. I knew there was an issue that I wanted to fix, so I started going to therapy. My attitude was, “I’ll come in, crack me open, pour me out on the table, and let’s just fix this.”

I read The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. He’s very honest with himself in it, where he’ll have a conversation with himself. What I like most about stoic philosophy is that it really does try to encourage in you an ability to look after yourself—to understand that there’s a lot of things that are out of your control, and that’s okay.

One important thing I learned from therapy was that I had no responsibility for what happened to Dad. I learned how to understand and deal with emotions. And, I mean, I’m not saying I’ve got it all under control, but once you’re aware of it, it makes it much more manageable.

My brothers and I, growing up, really weren’t very open with each other. We all dealt with what happened differently. Having them there, knowing that I can talk to them about it, just makes any issue that you have to deal with so much more manageable because you don’t feel like, “I’m in this by myself.” I have someone that I can talk to and get a perspective from. And if I need to, they can take some of that weight off my shoulders.

You can lie to other people. You can lie to your spouse, your family members, your friends. But you can’t lie to yourself. Just acknowledging it, instead of letting it be that elephant in the room, means that you can start putting steps in place to fix it.

The initial pain of opening up might be extraordinary, but I didn’t talk about it for 11 years—and it was much harder.

Video by BeyondBlue