Feeling stressed, anxious or down

23rd April, 2017    |    By  ReachOut    |     3.2k

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Feeling stressed, anxious or down

When you feel stressed, anxious, or down, it can be hard to understand or even talk about what’s going on. So, it’s completely normal if you start feeling confused and isolated, but you’re not alone; it’s actually pretty common to feel this way. Admitting that there’s something wrong is always scary, like having to depend on someone. I remember not wanting to talk to anyone about it because I assumed that everyone else was going through it and that everyone else was feeling the same, so then I would just sound like a complainer.

One of the reasons that it comes up is that young people don’t really see that the problem is serious enough to warrant help, even though it often is. Quite a lot of challenges that I’ve been through are related to school and family. I struggle personally a lot with stress, like when I was studying. Things to do with school or self-image, peer pressure, and social situations as well. Just going to the supermarket and buying groceries, and having to actually talk to a stranger, even that can be just difficult for some people. Or just leaving the house as a general rule, I think it’s hard, because the anxiety isn’t just around the future; it’s around a lot of things.

I think if I could pin what stops me to one thing, it would just be feeling anxious towards things. What we’re talking about is that kind of stress or anxiety that really gets in the way of doing the things that you want to do. So, I stayed at home because I was scared if I go outside, no one could understand me. But I was kind of getting depressed. Depression doesn’t always have to have a reason; it can just happen.

I think the common thread is recognition—I’m not feeling right, something’s not ticking well for me. I think that’s important instead of trying to figure out exactly what it is, exactly what caused it, and exactly what the treatment is. A lot of young people may not feel confident and might feel ashamed of the situations they want to deal with. So many young people find it hard to talk to someone or just find help from someone, because they’re scared, or they just don’t know what others would think or if they’d be judged for anything.

It’s okay to feel bad sometimes. It’s very normal to feel down or anxious. Knowing that you’re going to climb out of it and that you can is more important. In terms of managing stress and depression, what we know is that exercise is really good, and we know diet and nutrition are really important. The other thing is about finding stuff that you love and engaging in it. Talking about it would help—expressing yourself using art. I think the best thing is just letting people know that you’re there if they need you, and it’s always okay to seek help.

It’s alright to ask for help. I’ve been in those shoes before. I needed help, and I was scared to ask for help, but you realize after you do get help, you feel better. Reachout.com provides practical tools and support to help get through everything, from everyday issues to tough times. Check it out for more info on mental health, peer support forums, and even apps to help you deal with stress and anxiety.

Video by Reach Out