What's a headspace centre like?

23rd April, 2017    |    By  headspace    |     1.9k

Whilst each one is different, this will help give you an idea of what to expect when visiting a headspace centre

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Video provided by headspace


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What’s a headspace centre like?

Headspace is Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation for people aged from 12 to 25. Since 2006, hundreds of thousands of young people have accessed help at Headspace services all across Australia, in city, country, and regional areas. If you’re worried about something, needing information, or you just want to talk to someone, there’s no issue too small for Headspace to deal with. The local center is there for you in four important ways:

Looking after your mental health and well-being. When you’re feeling down, having trouble with school, relationships, or your family, or dealing with something like bullying. Also, Headspace can help if you’re dealing with a more serious mental health issue.

Headspace takes care of your physical health too. Many Headspace centers have a doctor on-site that you can go and talk to. They can also answer any sexual health questions you might have. If you’re having hassles with drugs or alcohol, the health workers at a Headspace center can help you get back in control.

And, if you need a hand getting into work, study, training, or an apprenticeship, your Headspace center can point you in the right direction.

Headspace centers come in all shapes and sizes. They’re located in places you can easily access, and many of them are really close to other services young people use as well. In many Headspace centers, there’s free internet and places to relax. At some centers, you can just drop in, but most of the time it’s best to make an appointment. Just call or email the center.

If you don’t feel comfortable making the call yourself, ask a friend or family member. Or, you can get in contact with Headspace through your doctor. Just ask for a referral and they’ll make an appointment for you. Some Headspace centers are pretty busy, but most centers can see you within two weeks. Depending on which one you go to, the service will either be free or it’ll only cost a small amount. Check with the Headspace center you’re booking with to find out.

When you arrive, you give your details at reception and then fill out a questionnaire. From there, you talk to an intake worker who helps match you up with the right Headspace staff member. For example, a social worker, psychologist, or a doctor. All of the Headspace staff are trained to work with young people. They listen to what you have to say and they help come up with a plan to manage whatever issue you’re dealing with.

At Headspace, the stuff you talk about and all your personal information is kept confidential, so you don’t have to worry. There are some things they need to ask a parent or carer’s permission for, but they will always let you know. And, if things aren’t working out with the staff member they’ve chosen for you, that’s not a problem. Headspace will find someone you feel more comfortable with.

So, if you’re going through a tough time, Headspace can help. Go to headspace.org.au to get the contact details for your local Headspace center. And, if there isn’t a center near you, visit eheadspace.org.au to talk to someone online. If it’s urgent, you can speak to someone right away. Call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Video by headspace