Reach out before you bow out - friends

25th September, 2019    |    By  Reach Out    |     1.3k

Reach out before you bow out – friends

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Depression Anxiety Managing friendships

Video provided by Reach Out


Video Transcription

Reach out before you bow out – friends

What’s amazing about best friends is that you get to choose who becomes your family.

Breaking up with a friend can be pretty painful. I’ve had friendship breakups before. They’re not fun to go through.

My friends have seen me at my lowest, and they appreciate me when I’m at my best. It’s people like that that I hold very, very close. They’ve seen me be vulnerable. I can cry in front of them.

My friends knew that I was struggling. They were a big support to me and actually encouraged me to reach out to my parents.

Have you lost touch with anyone since you’ve asked? Oh yeah, I lost a lot of friends, and it breaks my heart. But they were your friends at this stage of your life. It’s okay to move on and just find new people to kind of help you on your journey in life.

Basically, I went on what some people might call a “friend-cutting tour.” I just kind of cold, cold, cut, cut, cut, gone.

Culling friends or deciding not to speak to them anymore is not a definite decision. Even if someone’s not in your life for a period of time, it doesn’t mean that that has to be the case forever.

And yeah, I got a lot out of that experience. I have a great support network, and I know I’ve got friends that support me. It’s just the challenge of actually being able to reach out to them when I need to.

If you’ve got your best friends, man, keep them close because they will usually be your biggest motivators.

Video by Reach Out