Video Transcription
Peer pressure and social media
There was a boy at my school who I was friends with on Snapchat, and he was asking for, he was asking just weird things, and I was just like, “Ha-ha, no.” (laughing) Like, “Ha-ha, maybe another time. Probably not.” (laughing) People at my school, they’re all peer-pressuring and everything. Like, on social media, they just say the stupidest stuff, and yeah, just make everyone else feel like they have to be a part of what they think teenagers are.
Social media plays a huge role in peer pressure, and I think that it’s harder for our kids than it was for us.
Maybe before they get social media, I reckon, they should already put boundaries up on it. I’m pretty sure that’s what my mum did for me, and following through with that, I haven’t been in any problems on it.
You’re faced with peer pressure at school, and then you come home, and you’ve got that safety of your home, but now, it’s like you get home, and you’re on, they log onto Facebook, or Instagram, and Snapchat, and it’s all still there. So, there’s no break anymore from that.
But also, we’ve been able to flip that on its head a bit, and with one of my daughters, because she does struggle a bit with peer pressure at school, we’ve had conversations when messages have come through where kids are maybe not being as friendly or have been putting pressure on her, and I’ve been able to help her, I guess, to – I’ve been able to help her to actually write a response that is more quite assertive to get her point across.
Video by Reach Out