How much sleep do we need?

12th February, 2021    |    By  BUPA    |     933

Find out how much sleep we need, and the problems caused by not getting enough.

Also check the related topics:  

Relaxation Sleep Health

Video provided by BUPA


Video Transcription

How much sleep do we need?

Did you know nearly 4 in 10 adults in Australia are likely not to get enough sleep? The average person gets 7 hours of sleep, but about 12% of Australians sleep for less than 5.5 hours, and 8% sleep for over 9 hours. Those who sleep for less than 5.5 hours are likely to see the impact on their day-to-day life. Making a habit of not getting enough sleep isn’t just a matter of feeling wiped out all the time. Chronic inadequate sleep increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and it may be linked to mental health problems and Alzheimer’s disease.

If you go a whole day without sleep, you may feel like you’re double the legal blood alcohol limit to drive. This increases the risk of car crashes and work accidents, resulting in injury or death. Loss of sleep makes us tired and cranky, but it also affects our minds, memory, concentration, and reaction times. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep to feel fresh and stay healthy.

Video by Bupa