Meaning + Sense of Wellbeing

28th April, 2022    |    By  Bite Back    |     725

Video provided by Bite Back


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There is a significant connection between finding meaning in your life and your overall sense of wellbeing. Research shows that people who can identify purpose in their lives tend to experience greater happiness and life satisfaction. When you feel that your life has meaning, you’re likely to be healthier both physically and emotionally. You’ll also become more resilient, better at managing stress, and have a greater sense of control over your life. With a strong sense of purpose, it’s easier to break unhealthy habits and reduce the risk of physical and mental health issues.

To discover your sense of purpose, think about the things you love to do. What values do you stand for, and what’s important to you in different aspects of your life—such as school, family, spirituality, friendships, and community? Consider what actions you take that make a positive impact on others. Set a goal that not only benefits you but also helps others, making your life more meaningful and fulfilling.

Video by Biteback