GENDER: What can I do to challenge gender stereotypes?

19th December, 2017    |    By  Project Rockit    |     2.3k

In Episode 11 of PRTV, we take a look at gender and related stereotypes. For some of us gender roles are really comfortable, but for others they can really hold us back from being ourselves. Either way, it’s a great idea to talk about gender stereotypes – this episode and discussion questions should get you started.

  1.  What do you think the world would look like if there were no norms or expectations around gender? How would it be different?
  2. When do you think the pressure to ‘act’ like a particular gender norm begins in life? How does it come about?
  3. What are some specific ways that we can create more inclusive and support environments for people whose feelings, interests and expression of gender don’t fit with the conventional ‘norms.’

Also check the related topics:  

Sexuality & Gender Self esteem Body Image

Video provided by Project Rockit


Video Transcription

GENDER: What can I do to challenge gender stereotypes?

Hey, P-Rockers, it’s Ash Arch Anchor, and we’re obviously going full-force road vibes on you today by sitting on the couch. But that’s because we’re talking about something that affects everyone watching this video. But before we name it, we’ll ask a few questions about your appearance today.

So, what are you wearing? Are you wearing pants, shorts, a dress, or a skirt? And what color is that, right? And what about makeup? Do you have any on today? Do you wear your hair really long, or do you prefer to cut it short? And what about body hair? Is this something that you shave off, or do you let it grow?

Yeah, first, now let mine grow.

How are you feeling right now? Like, you’re sitting up really straight, maybe. Maybe you like to feel relaxed, or you sit with your legs crossed, maybe not.

However you answer those questions, and however you look today, or even however you choose to express yourself in the world, we’re willing to bet that there is one thing in particular that influenced your decisions: gender.

So, what we’re talking about here are gender norms and stereotypes. So in other words, how we’re expected to behave, and even how we expect other people to behave, based on their gender.

So, for example, okay, I’m willing to bet that if you are watching this video right now and you identify as a boy, I’m going to take a stab that you are wearing pants or shorts right now, and not a skirt or a dress.

Yeah, and I reckon that’s a pretty good bet. But let’s put it this way, love it, love it, don’t love it, but to be honest, this doesn’t look quite right on me, does it? But I mean, why? I mean, in our society, there are these norms and expectations around gender that tell us boys should look one way, and girls should look another.

But it’s not only the clothes that we wear; it’s also to do with our body language. It’s how we sit or stand or walk. It’s how we interact with others, our hobbies, the people we hang out with, even the types of jobs we choose once we’ve finished school. Gender tends to play a big part in making those decisions, right?

And it’s worth naming that none of that stuff is actually biological. So, obviously, nobody’s born to wear pants or a dress or to wear makeup or shave their legs. This is all stuff that we’re taught to do and expected to do in society, based on our gender.

Let’s not forget, what about those of us who don’t feel like we fit as just a boy or just a girl? Right? For some of us, we feel like we might be in the middle or totally outside of those two categories. And for those people, it can be really confusing because society tells us we only have two options to choose from, when in reality, we know there are tons of different gender identities.

That’s why, at Project, we all have that duty to challenge the stereotypes, challenge the gender norms. And that doesn’t mean we all have to stop shaving our legs now or like we all start wearing skirts all of a sudden. No, nobody needs to change themselves. But we do reckon there are two things we can all do to challenge these stereotypes.

First of all, it’s just asking, “Why?” So, why am I wearing these clothes today, or why do I do my hair like this, or wear makeup, or shave my legs? And maybe you’re happy with your answers, and that’s great. But if your answer to that question is, “To be honest, I’m not really sure,” then that’s the moment where we reckon you can challenge this stuff by thinking, “Well, what is it that I want?”

The second way we can challenge this stuff is just as simple, I reckon, and it’s to accept others and the way that they’re choosing to express themselves. I think, like humans, we have a tendency to just judge other people for being different. But what if you just celebrated people for being different, right?

So, P-Rockers, obviously, what we’re saying is, you do you and surround yourself with people that actually make you feel comfortable and who celebrate who you are, rather than putting you down. Right? And if you can’t find those people offline, we’re willing to bet they’re waiting for you online.

Yeah, and that’s why Project Rockit will always accept you for who you are. So good life, B-Rockers, and you do right, you.

Video by Project Rockit