Video provided by Family Planning Victoria
Video Transcription
Dating: Pregnancy & Contraception
Many women find themselves pregnant unexpectedly because they only prepare contraception after their relationship ends. The pill or the IUD is often not considered until they’re in a long-term relationship. Most people, especially at university, do not go around necessarily preparing to a great extent for a sexual encounter. So, indeed, they probably will seek contraception after the fact. People put off seeking contraception or advice about unplanned pregnancy because they are worried about stigma from people they know or they do not have the confidence to talk to health professionals. Everybody is different, and if the contraceptive pill doesn’t work for you—like in my case, the pill was a total nightmare—that may not be great for you. But maybe the IUD is great for you. You wouldn’t know that because you haven’t talked to the doctor about it.
My friend had to go through an abortion. The process for her was much more gruelling than just the physical aspect. She had to go through her GP and then find out her insurance doesn’t cover it. The medical costs of abortion for international students can be enormous. We forget how vulnerable international students are in new countries. Men need to take more responsibility because it ends up being the woman’s problem.
Aware that I am a 21st-century man, I’ve got to take responsibility. In Australia, there are doctors, university counsellors— they’re all there to make sure that you’re comfortable and can talk about whatever you want. There is nothing that you can’t ask a doctor, and no question is stupid.
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