Challenge Negative Thinking

28th April, 2017    |    By  ReachOut    |     1.9k Film Crew member, Tobias, present some practical ways you can challenge your negative thinking.

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Self esteem Body Image

Video provided by ReachOut


Video Transcription

Challenge Negative Thinking

What am I thinking? He’s never going to go out with me. I’m probably not even his type. I don’t have a job. I don’t have any money. And why can’t I get a job? Am I that unlikable? Am I that much of a loser? Is there something wrong with me? It’s probably because I’m so ugly.

Stop. Stop it. Stop it! You need to stop thinking like this. It’s not helping.

What are you talking about? Explain to me how you can think all these negative things are true. Have you looked in the mirror? We’re hideous. It’s no wonder no one will give us a job, let alone want to be with us.

That’s not true. Sure, we’ve got a bit of a moon face, and we’re about as tan as a polar bear, but everyone has their flaws. Small things like that aren’t why people won’t hire us or want to be with us. Besides, you’ve got a pretty cute butt.

What about our love life? Maybe we’re not looking in the right places. I’ve hung out with you before—we’re pretty cool chicks.

This feels like we’re trapped. We’re going to be poor and lonely forever.

What’s the best thing that could happen? What’s the best thing that could come out of this situation?

Are you joking? Nothing.

Hey, don’t get riled up here. I don’t want to be like this anymore. It’s not helping. We need to change your mindset. We’d be better off.

Okay. Well, good thing is, we’re young, I guess.

Yeah, plenty of time for good things to happen. Maybe we’re just at a low point.

Yeah, good work. What’s the best thing that could happen?

I don’t know. Can you help me with this one?

What about we achieve our dream of becoming an actress in Hollywood, and then we meet John Krasinski from The Office? He’s rich, we fall in love, and we live with him forever on his boat.

I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Well, probably not. But still, that’s the best thing that could happen. And it’s taking your mind off all that negative stuff.

I guess so.

Right. I think I’m getting to you. I think we can establish that your old attitude is not helping us get to where we need to be.

All right, I’m sorry. Let’s get out of here and go home. I’ll try to stay happy.

That’s all I need. Come here.

Video by Reach Out