Video provided by Reach Out
Video Transcription
A how to guide to procrastination
How do I procrastinate? Mainly YouTube and Facebook. I sleep a lot. Cleaning my room. Speak to my friends. YouTube videos, I suppose. YouTube or TV. Netflix. I watch rugby videos on YouTube. I try and play guitar sometimes. I read a lot. Go on my phone. Games. I’m always on my phone. Going out on “study dates” and then doing nothing.
To break myself out of it, usually I have a cold shower – cold shower’s good. Normally, I go and eat or buy a coffee. I think the adrenaline of having it due in two days will help.
Usually, it happens when I look at the clock and I realize just how long I’ve been sitting there. I force myself to log out of all of my accounts. When the stress reaches a certain point, you just have to get back to work. Recognize that the deadline’s coming up; it’s more out of necessity. I panic. Panic, panic mode, yeah, that’s it.
Kind of having a strict framework towards how my day goes and having that structure. A lot of the time, it takes someone else, like, outside of you to say, “Hey, I’ve got some work to do too – why don’t we do it together?”
I normally go for a run; that’s a big thing for me – exercising – then as soon as I get back, I’m like, “Alright, that’s done. Gotta sit down to do my work now.”
Video by Reach Out