This Is Us | Episode 2 | Trust Each Other

8th January, 2021    |    By  Young Deadly Free    |     837

This Is Us… the good, the bad, the ups and downs… an honest look at relationships, sex, partying and learning from our mistakes along the way. Through it all, we look after each other…

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Video provided by Young Deadly Free


Video Transcription

This Is Us | Episode 2 | Trust Each Other

As you need, God, you’re gonna come trade this session? So, um, you guys going to the party?
It’s not about any of my sisters down, yeah?
Where’s my money?
This is vodka. What are you doing? You drunk?
You are their puppet. Just… I’m going. I don’t need this now. That’s none of your business, but I’m going to the party with JB.
Like, hell yeah!
What’s it like, him?
Alright, you charged up?
Go to watch after each other.
How do I need you? We can’t let her do this to herself.
Yeah, she’s already charged up. She goes to the party. Anything could happen.
Cool, you go over there, I’ll get our stuff.
Hey, sis, we talked. What’s going on? Is everything alright with you and Javi?
Hey, hey, Dean.
Alright, you need to stop pulling the end in. My Mira is drunk again and at training. She’s been doing it a lot lately—getting charged up.
What are you doing, Jiving?
I’m gonna sort it out. [Music]
Shouldn’t someone say where they’re going?
I have parents, can we talk? I want to talk to you right now.
I just want to know you’re okay. Just do one thing and promise me you won’t get too loose.

I’m right. Yeah, sorry for tasing you before, man. I never meant it.
You’re right. You mongrel.
What’d you write me?
Mira, we’ve been hanging out for a bit, eh?
You haven’t been doing it or nothing like that?
Keep it to yourself.
I think I got something here.
What, you pregnant us?
Other way.
No, you idiot. Think I caught something.
I’m just real ashamed about it. I think that’s why Mira’s been getting angry and charged up and stuff, you know.
Uh, turns, brother works the whole service truth, and you know, if you go, I go with you, brother.
You listen back up, true?
Are you guys… I’m off. Better get changed, the smell good from the ladies.
Yes, I mean, I make these back at the pocket now, right?

She’d gone the other. Might be wondering where we are.
We’re up next, then. She can have boy shame.
Job does in the first place wouldn’t be here.
Shut up. You coming or what?
How are you carrying things, good with Jen?
Alrighty there, pretty good, man.
Wow, John-boy, what seems to be the problem here, bro?
Well, um, well, my borders saw any bundles and stuff’s coming out that I don’t think should be coming out. Is that all?
You ever notice any sores, rashes, halos?
It could be likely you have an STI. To find out, we’ll have to do a couple of tests.
Do the tests, sir?
Now, the tests are really easy and painless. Do you need to be checked as well?
Clary, only Gavin. I know you’re not having sex with my sister now. We’re safe.
It’s these things, you know, they can break sometimes. It won’t hurt to get checked.
So what’s going to happen is that we’re gonna take a urine test, you know, to see if there’s anything there.
We have a special machine that can give us fast results. If it’s chlamydia, we can treat it with some antibiotics, and then buff to the gel over and never come bring these little bottles and then bring it back to me one at a time. Don’t make a mess, bro.
He said he worked at the clinic, you didn’t say he was the doctor.
No, he did a good job today, bro. Got the diagnosis test on.
Okay, you know what a way that flustered Ranko day?
Yeah, well, don’t go advertising it to everyone.
Okay, no, I wouldn’t, as long as the coffee’s here, she’s about their problem, adding something, a picnic.
[Music] [Music]

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