This Is Us | Episode 1 | Change the Game

8th January, 2021    |    By  Young Deadly Free    |     989

This Is Us… the good, the bad, the ups and downs… an honest look at relationships, sex, partying and learning from our mistakes along the way. Through it all, we look after each other…

This is us For more information visit: or

CAST Caleena Sansbury – Lu Derik Lynch – DR. Dan Dylan Miller – Joe Elijah Valadian-Wilson – Clarry Jack Sheppard – John Boy Kirsty Williams – Jen Marlee Wilson – Mira Melissa Wilson – Christie Richard Yunupingu – Henry Shereen Wilson – Coach Lana EXTRAS Djuwan Thorpe Ella-Mae Hampton Jamahl Weetra James Milera Joel Coveney Neil Milera Sene Gibuma-marr Terrell Colson CREW Andre Chaney Amanda Sibosado Haidarr Jones Joel Brown Lachlan Coles Liana Krassas Natasha Wanganeen Stephanie Jaclyn Will Sheridan Locations Provided by ActNow Theatre + make space + Club Marion + Government of South Australia SA Health This has been a SAHMRI production in conjunction with Tandanya NACI. ©South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Produced with funding from SA Health.

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Mob Life Sex & Sexual Health Mental Health

Video provided by Young Deadly Free


Video Transcription

This Is Us | Episode 1 | Change the Game

My boys, check this out. You’re gonna get your thing working, ladder boy. You’re gonna win a plastic rank, if not, coffee mother.
Jen-Jen, you know our brother’s guy, he likes men.
Back off, JB.
No one has got issues with that part from you, boy. The whole family’s strange, man. You know that, don’t you?
Back off, JB.
No one’s laughing no more. Just being an idiot.
We all heard about him. You’ve probably got AIDS or something, or your woman’s probably got AIDS or something, or chlamydia or something.
JB, pull it.
Henry, Henry!
Back off!
So what’s going on in here?
Hey, Joe. These books, I mean Sammy’s been going on about Tory’s woman and bagging her family, bagging Jen’s brother for being gay.
Is that right, JB? You got a problem with people being gay?
Those suck evades. Another soft to coach.
So you might think that getting infections from sex is funny.
You think they’re talking about gay people is something to be laughed at?
Here, you lot, listen up. I know you’re going out tonight, partying up, Starlin up to them girls, but listen, it’s serious stuff.
And serves bullying JB and bagging on people’s family.
Come on, you’re a better man than that.
See, all you fellas need to be thinking seriously about this stuff.
You think about protection, any of us—and respect.
Well, anyone?
Hold on there, could be one Charlie, but he’s right, you know? You will listen.
I want to know that if any of your fellows is doing the sexual safety or respect at school, who can tell me why do you use a condom?
So we don’t get diseases, so we don’t pass on diseases.
Respecting people isn’t about pressuring them to things they don’t want to do, and respecting ourselves too.
Hey, Arnie, coach.
Yep, and what’s another way we can show each other respect and each other’s families?
By not gossiping, saying bad things about people and their mode.
Good. But what’s your swearing in any language, Henry?
Do you listen up now, all of yous?
The club’s gonna run some awareness programs on safe sex, so I want you to do some research.
This program’s for you and your families, so go on, do your research, do some at school, go to the organizations, anything you want to do.
No arguments, good training tonight, your boys.
I’m real proud of you. Now go home and do the research.
We’ll do our notes next week. No stuffing around or mucking around tonight when you’re out and about.
Okay, boys? Whether you’re on the team, on the oval, or off, you’re a team, and I don’t care whether you like it or not, you back each other up.
JB, that’s enough for the teasin’ to you and Clary.
Henry and Joe, I want to see you after you get changed.
That’s all. Have a good night, guys.

Look, I don’t want to lecture you boys. I know you’ve heard it all before, but I don’t want to see you boys mess things up.
I know things have changed since I was young, but the mistakes are still the same.
When people get drunk or high, they don’t think straight. They make decisions that can put their health at risk or get them in trouble with the law.
I know drinking around and things like that. I don’t like it, but I know it’s normal for you to want to experiment.
Anyway, just think about it. I don’t want to lose you boys to any of them stupid addictions.
I don’t want to be called down to the police station saying you’ve messed up.
But if yours get in trouble with the law, you’re off this team. I mean it.
Anybody got anything to say?
We’ll look out for each other.
Coach, don’t do it for me, do it for you.
Warn them off years ago.
Oh, Clary, you do anything you want to say?
Harder really, Jen?
No, God, I want to see this.
I’ve seen enough tonight.
Yeah, I knew you was a bit shame. I can see you’re ashamed when JB had your phone show on everybody your pictures.
Just think about what Jen would feel like if she was here.
Sorry, coach.
Don’t be sorry to me.
If that’s your relationship, keep it private, keep it to yourself.
Put yourself in somebody else’s shoes.
Think about what I said now, okay?
Now put a lock on that phone.
I never would not.

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