Train your brain to focus on positives with a gratitude journal

12th February, 2021    |    By  ABC    |     1k

What are you grateful for today? ❤️ We’re talking mental health this week, and the ABC’s Mood Elevation Technician* Sammy J has some tips on gratitude… *We can neither confirm nor deny if this is an official title. Today, Sammy J gives us an introduction to the concept of a gratitude journal. #YourMentalHealthAU

If you need advice about coping with your situation, there are a lot of places to get help, including your local GP. You can call Lifeline on 13 11 14, 24 hours a day, seven days a week – or you can text Lifeline nightly from 6pm to midnight AEST via 0477 13 11 14. You can also call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36 – they’re open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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Self Care Depression

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Video Transcription

Train your brain to focus on positives with a gratitude journal

Hello, Sammy J here. We’re talking mental health this week, starting with this: a gratitude journal. It sounds lame, but actual science says that if we train our brains to focus on the positives, we’re more likely to experience a positive mood in the long term. For example, today I’m grateful for having a gratitude journal. I mean, I could work harder on it, but you know, it’s a good start. I’m also grateful for having a pen. Freeza, you get the idea. Okay, point is, it’s a real thing. Check out the links below for more information, and I’ll be back tomorrow with another brief brain bit. Brief brain bit. Try saying that three times fast: brief brain bit, brief brain bit, brief brain bit.