Study Hacks

16th October, 2017    |    By  Reach Out    |     1.5k

Need some study tricks and tips? Amy, Philip, Calypso and Christo serve up a bunch of genius hacks to get your study habits in shape.

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Study & Exam Tips

Video provided by Reach Out


Video Transcription

Study Hacks

This is a bit weird, and when I look back, it is a bit weird, but I think it probably helped. Me and my friends, we used to weight our pens with batteries. When it came to the exam, you take the pen off, and you can just fly. Because in the HSC, you’re writing an essay in 40 minutes, and that’s not normal, so you really need your hand to fly.

One of my study hacks was going for a surf. If I went for a surf in the morning, I’d start my day early, get out, and do some hard exercise because surfing’s a full-body movement, and it tires your whole body out. I feel like you kinda just release all these endorphins, so I’d feel quite happy doing work after that.

I was super organized with colors and papers and everything. Everything had a post-it note; everything had a color. I had a highlighter for different subjects, and then in the exam, I’d remember that I highlighted that question in pink, and I’d also highlighted the answer in pink, so it sort of made it stay in my brain. Color coding, spreading things out really helped me.

I made sure that highlighters, pens, and folders – they were all in that color, and they’d all have a section on my desk. The purple’s for the visual art section, and when I was studying visual arts, everything else would move out of the way, and the purple stuff would be right in front of me.

I basically put together an Excel spreadsheet. First, I put down what breaks I think I might want to take, then I see what time I want to get up in the morning to start studying. I put down which subjects I’m struggling with and give those more days and time for studying.

The night before an exam, I sleep with my notes underneath my pillow. It’s complete garbage, but I do it every time. It would freak me out if I didn’t. The only thing is, sometimes you leave without taking your notes with you… That’s only happened once, so…

Video by Reach Out