Session #6: Creating a Music Playlist

30th May, 2023    |    By  University of Melbourne    |     547

Session #6: Creating a Music Playlist – The Power of Music Sessions Brought to you by the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music,.

The University of Melbourne. In this video, we discover the art of creating a playlist of the right music for the right moment to enhance your mood. Music is powerful – know how to use it to your advantage. This interdisciplinary project is conducted by researchers from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music and the Melbourne Graduate School of Education.

The project is funded by The Creativity and Wellbeing Hallmark Research Initiative. Filming and production by Highway Foundation.

Also check the related topics:  

Music and our mental health

Video provided by University of Melbourne


Video Transcription

Session #6: Creating a Music Playlist

Most of us already have playlists of songs that we listen to without having to change or even take any notice of what’s coming next. If you listen regularly to a music streaming platform, it starts to take care of it for you by using your previous choices to make suggestions about other tracks you might want to listen to. Too easy, right?

But the art of choosing the right song for the right moment shouldn’t always be left to an algorithm. There are great reasons to program the perfect songs for your own playlists.

The best reason to create your own playlists is because music can take you places — but it doesn’t happen on its own. It’s not like you hear a new song and it takes you back to a time in the past; it can’t do that because it isn’t associated with a memory yet. You have to rely on songs that you’ve already built connections to.

The best music to create your playlist with is your favourite music — the types of songs you know you love and have good associations or connections with. You don’t even have to think about it too much. Try putting those songs into groups:

  • Which ones give you energy? Put them into a playlist and give it a name like Pumped Up. Now you know where to go when you’re struggling to get out of bed. All your energetic and motivating songs are ready to go.
  • Which ones cheer you up? Group those together, and next time you’re feeling stressed, you’ll know exactly where to turn. Not just random stuff you like — the right songs, the ones that will actually work.
  • Which songs distract you? Make sure you don’t put these in your study folder! They’re definitely not great for background music when you need to focus. These are the ones you listen to when you’re travelling or need a distraction, like when someone is giving off a bad vibe.
  • What about background music? This one can be harder to find. For many people, their favourite songs can be too engaging when they’re trying to focus on other tasks, like studying. That’s why so many people listen to pre-programmed lo-fi music. Lo-fi tracks are perfect for focus: no lyrics, no danceable grooves, no killer beats — just super chill vibes to help you concentrate.

So, take a moment to create four playlists, give them names, and add some songs. They can really help in moments when you need them, and you’re guaranteed to love the listening experience. Once you have these playlists, you can add or remove songs as they become old or no longer work for you.

With the right playlists, you’ll always have the perfect songs wherever you go. Music is powerful — know how to use it to your advantage.

Video by Uni Melbourne