Session #3: Choosing The Right Song for You

30th May, 2023    |    By  University of Melbourne    |     484

Session #3: Choosing The Right Song for You – The Power of Music Sessions Brought to you by the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music.

The University of Melbourne. In this video, we look at how you can choose the right song for you. This interdisciplinary project is conducted by researchers from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music and the Melbourne Graduate School of Education.

The project is funded by The Creativity and Wellbeing Hallmark Research Initiative. Filming and production by Highway Foundation

Also check the related topics:  

Music and our mental health

Video provided by University of Melbourne


Video Transcription

Session #3: Choosing The Right Song for You

So, is there a right song for right now? By scientific standards, music’s pretty reliable. Every time you listen to it, it sounds exactly the same. It’s different if you go to a live gig or listen to a different version, but if you listen to the same track, nothing changes. It’s as stable as can be—the beat’s the same, the singing is the same, the riffs are the same.

But that doesn’t mean your response is the same. The way you feel when you listen to a song can change. It might be a different day, or a different year. Things might have changed, like when the meaning of a song can shift—from being a love song to a breakup song. The way you feel when you listen to a song can also change for other reasons.

It might be that your mood or mental health has changed. You might be in a good patch, and the music will feel different than it would if you were down. You might feel like listening to something different when you feel less in control, overwhelmed easily, and things seem to be getting worse.

It’s time to start thinking about how your music might be affecting you differently. Perhaps music has always been your best friend, but these days, the two of you don’t have that much fun together. Perhaps it’s always about feeling down together.

Hmm, what are you meant to do about it? I know you don’t want to stop listening to that song or those tracks. They are the ones that help you feel understood. For me, sometimes it feels like my music is the only thing that gets me—that I can relate to.

How about a compromise? What if you start with listening to that song, but then think hard about what song you listen to next? How about you cue a track that’s just a bit brighter—a song that you love, that gives you energy, rather than keeps you in the same place? Start with two songs and notice how it’s okay to step yourself up. You still get the understanding you want from the first track, plus you get a booster.

Now, what would the third song be? And the fourth? What about taking a moment here to do that on your phone or wherever you listen to your music? Think about the sequence of events that will give you the understanding and space, but also turn things around for you.

What about finding the right songs that can help you feel motivated, energetic, calmer, safer, or thinking more positively? Some songs might even remind you to reach out to someone you trust or support.

If you want to hear more, check out our video about building new connections with songs.

Video by Uni Melbourne