Self esteem

23rd April, 2017    |    By  headspace    |     2.2k

Self esteem is about seeing your good qualities, being comfortable with your weaknesses and doing your best with what you have.

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Video Transcription

Self esteem

Hi. Um, now? Self-esteem.








Self-esteem is how you think about yourself and how you feel about yourself.

You just look in the mirror, and you like what you see.

Doing what you’re doing, being not nervous.

To be yourself around other people.

And to not be embarrassed.

Being okay with people seeing you, how you look.

Being completely confident with the person you are.

Self-esteem is really important to believe in what you do, find out what you’re good at, and go chase the dream.

If you don’t have good self-esteem, you’re usually down on yourself and you don’t want to do much.

You feel like you’re entrapped, you feel like you can’t succeed.

Always against yourself, always thinking you’re doing things wrong.

You feel like no one cares.

You feel as if you don’t have anyone who is there for you.

As soon as you allow those thoughts to creep in, it’s like a vicious cycle because the worse it gets, the more you want to crawl into a hole and be away from everything.


When mum’s mean to me.

When people put you down.


Fighting with family.


Well, that’s a question I’ve never actually thought of.

I tell them to think about things that are important to them.

Be nice and subtle. Ask them how they are.

Help them realise their strengths.

Find things about them that you love and just constantly remind them of those things.

My best mates, the best thing they can do for me is just ask me how I’m going because often it’s about perspective, and other people can often give you a much clearer perspective than you can at moments like that when you’re feeling pretty flat.

Sometimes that’s all people need—just someone to listen to them.

Sometimes they don’t even need answers. They don’t need you to fix their problems. They just need someone to listen.

It’s different with every person as well, so it’s hard to really know exactly what’s going on in someone’s head until you actually talk to them.

Everyone needs to find their own way of dealing with things. Sometimes you just need to have a good cry.

It’s about identifying what the things are that can turn that cycle around because we’re going to have our low moments. We don’t always want to be down there. It’s too hard.

If I’m feeling down, I’ll just go in my room and get my guitar and start playing.

I usually strum a couple of chords.

Most amazing feeling.


When I get in the gym, I always feel good.

I love to go for a run or do something outdoors when I’m not feeling too good.

If you write things down, it kind of feels like you’re getting things off your chest.

Have a passion.

Just get out there and keep things going.

Finding something to express yourself through.

Doing things for other people is also a really helpful thing.

Socialising with people who make me feel good about myself.

I go out with my friends.

Hang out with more positive people.

Being around good people makes me feel good.

If you’re feeling a bit down about things, you can always…

Talk to someone.

Anyone you feel comfortable with.

Your school counsellor.

Your parents.

Your family, your friends, and your teachers.

Just talk about it.

Psychiatrists or psychologists.

Definitely don’t bottle it up.

Everybody has their down times and their low patches in life. It’s when these last for days or weeks that you need to start looking out for help.

Headspace is a great resource with some free help from people that know what they’re talking about.

There are Headspace centres all over Australia, and they’re anonymous, confidential.

Or hop online to eHeadspace.

And you can have a chat to someone online if you don’t have access to a centre.

Video by headspace