Roxy's story of overcoming negative body image

25th September, 2019    |    By  Reach Out    |     1.4k

Roxy shares her experience of overcoming negative body image to feel more confident, comfortable and body positive.

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Body Image

Video provided by Reach Out


Video Transcription

Roxy’s story of overcoming negative body image

Since I was a teen, I felt so much pressure to live up to the images of women I saw online, on TV, in movies, and in magazines. It made me feel like I wasn’t good enough and that I needed to change the way I looked.

Social media was the worst. I’d always compare myself to other girls, even my friends. If my photo didn’t get as much attention as someone else’s, I felt like I wasn’t good enough.

Over time, I found there are a few things that help me when I’m feeling stressed about my body. I question what I see in the media and remind myself it doesn’t reflect real life. I do the things that make me feel good.

Mindfulness helps me sit with my thoughts and feelings and remember that they are just thoughts—they don’t define me.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is knowing that anyone who loves you appreciates you for the incredible person you are, just as you are.

Video by Reach Out