Planners Vs Crammers

12th February, 2021    |    By  Art of Smart TV    |     899

Are you a crammer or a planner?

In this video, Rowan from #AOSTV shares the difference between planners and crammers, and the impact of cramming and planning on your HSC.

Rowan shares:

  • What a crammer looks like
  • How a planner handles assessments and homework –
  • A simple strategy you can use to become a better planner

Have more questions about how to plan better for your study? Leave them in the comments – we’d love to hear from you! So take a second and say ‘Hey’ and ask a question 😉

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Study & Exam Tips

Video provided by Art of Smart TV


Video Transcription

Planners Vs Crammers

What’s up, guys? It’s Rowan here from Art of Smart TV. Are you a crammer or a planner? Now, crammers are the type of people who get the assessment, look at it, and tell themselves, “I’ve got plenty of time for this.” They go home, maybe start it, but then get distracted with Netflix and food. As it gets to two days before the assessment, all of a sudden, they have a freak-out. “Crap, I haven’t done it!” And they’re madly trying to finish it, hitting Red Bull, pulling a late night.

They get it done, but it’s not their best work. They hand it in and tell themselves, “Man, if only I had more time, if only I had more time, I would’ve nailed this assessment.” Does that sound like you? Are you a crammer or a planner?

Planners, on the other hand, get an assessment and go home to do something really simple. They break it into small chunks—this is called chunking. They look at all the parts and components they need to do to nail that assessment.

They don’t just stop there—they also map it to time. They figure out when they’re going to get those chunks done over specific time periods. They set milestones for each week leading up to the assessment, so they can complete it.

Now, planners also get the assessment done with time to spare. This gives them time to get feedback on their work, enhance it, and improve it. So, when the assessment’s due, they hand it in, and it’s frickin’ awesome. They feel confident and super relaxed.

Now overall, who do you think does better: crammers or planners? It’s a stupid question, right? We all know that planners are going to do so much better during their HSC and in life beyond.

So, my question for you is: are you a crammer or a planner? If you’re a crammer, all you need to think about is how you can increase the planning you’re doing to improve your results.

What I’d love you to do is tag a few friends. Tag a friend who’s a crammer and let them know, “Hey buddy, you’re a crammer—watch this, you’ve gotta shift your habits!” Or, if your friend is a planner, tag them and celebrate the fact that they’re freaking amazing and have a really solid habit.

If you have any questions about cramming or planning, leave them in the comments below. I’d love to help. If you haven’t already, you know the drill—hit that subscribe button. We bring videos every single week, so I’ll see you next week!

Video by Art of Smart