NUDES: How can I support someone whose photo was leaked?

14th September, 2017    |    By  Project Rockit    |     4k

Episode 10 is the second in our two-part take on NUDES. Last time, we looked at how to shut down unwanted pressure to send private photos, this time Caitlin and Archie look at how to support someone whose private photo gets leaked. 1. Aside from risking a criminal record, what are the important reasons why people who receive nudes should keep them private? 2. Do you know the laws around sharing nudes? Check them out – do you think they’re effective and fair? How could they be improved? 3. Sometimes when private photos are leaked, blame is unfairly placed on the person IN the photo rather that on the person who actually leaked it. How do you think we could create supportive cultures for those whose privacy has been violated?

Also check the related topics:  

Cyberbullying Boy/girlfriend relationship Staying safe online

Video provided by Project Rockit


Video Transcription

NUDES: How can I support someone whose photo was leaked?

Maybe Roker’s, it is Katelyn and Archaea back at the dinner table where all awkward conversations must be held because we are continuing our chat on sending nudes.

Yeah, so in the last video, we spoke about what you can do if you are being pressured to send a nude and how you can say no. But you know what? No one’s talking about what you do if a photo is circulated, right?

And we could give you a bunch of different hot tips on how to navigate one of these photo leaks, but let’s be real—these situations are messy, okay? So there might not be a quick fix or a simple solution. But regardless of what’s going down, one thing we can always do is show somebody support if they’re experiencing this.

Yeah, we’ve actually learned that there are a ton of things that we can do to show that support, right?

Right! And in typical Project Rocket fashion, we have managed to narrow these ways down into three hot tips. You’re welcome.

So first and foremost, hot tip number one is judgment-free support. Right? So obviously, if somebody does have a photo or a video leaked, they’re probably gonna be feeling pretty humiliated, as anybody would. So it’s really important that when we go to them, they don’t feel judged and they don’t feel embarrassed.

100%. And as we’ve flagged in the last video, at Project Rocket, we don’t think it’s trashy or dirty for sending this content, right? And nobody could possibly foresee one of these photo leaks. That’s why it’s so important that if this does happen, this person has support right there on standby, ready to go.


Second hot tip is to rally the troops. What we mean by that is get your friends to jump on board and show your friend a ton of public support. It could be getting people to not circulate the image, or even better, it could be asking people to delete the image on their devices.

We actually worked with a student quite recently who had a photo of them circulated through their school without their permission or consent, and nobody challenged it. You can be that person that challenges this and shows that support.

Right. One person could have absolutely changed that girl’s life.

But our third and final hot tip for you, P Rockers, is to know your rights. Okay? So if somebody has had a photo or video leaked, it’s really important that they feel supported and empowered to go to the authorities. You should not be afraid to go to the police if you need to.

Yeah. So if you have shown that person offline support, and you’ve rallied your troops, and you still feel like things are totally out of hand, it’s really important to know that you can go to the authorities.

Right. And we’ve actually checked a link in the description box which is a site that tells you exactly what your rights are if you have experienced a leak. And it’s important to know that it does vary from state to state, so do click that link because that way you’ll know what’s up and you’ll be prepared if something like this does happen.

Right. So, P Rockers, those are our three hot tips for you. As we said earlier, this stuff is messy, okay? So you might not have a quick fix or an easy solution, but regardless of the details, one thing we can always do is let somebody know that we’ve got their back.

So guys, we’ve come to the end of our awkward dinner table conversation about nudes.

Video by Project Rockit