#NoHarmDone Things Can Change | Self-Harm |

11th January, 2022    |    By  Young Minds UK    |     846

This video features young people from the UK, but we have included it on TINO as their voices are global.
‘No Harm Done’ is a response to the powerful cry for help from young people, parents and professionals who have told us just how difficult dealing with self-harm is. The films were co-produced with young people, parents and professionals to reassure those affected by self-harm that things can and do improve.

Also check the related topics:  

Self harm

Video provided by Young Minds UK


Video Transcription

#NoHarmDone Things Can Change | Self-Harm |

You probably feel better at the time, but then the guilt sets in. Then it’s just a cycle because it never really makes the emotion go away. Although it’s a coping mechanism, it’s very much like in the moment, and I did feel more isolated because I wasn’t able to tell anyone for quite a while. I started to feel quite lonely. It’s not something you really want to admit that you’ve got so low that you’re having to resort to something like that, because there’s also stigma around self-harm. No one noticed.

I probably could have not told anyone ever and kept it quiet. So when I started opening up to people, it did make a massive difference because talking about it is much more positive than actually doing it. It was kind of a relief that I had spoken to somebody about it. It’s just the little small things that can make a big impact. I was helped to find other ways of expressing myself without hurting myself. You find out different ways that you could get help and different places to go. It’s a place where you can be heard in a space that you feel comfortable, where you could actually speak to professionals or people that you trust about it.

One of the most positive things is change. There are things that will make things better, and you just have to look for them. If one thing doesn’t work, that doesn’t mean you should give up or that you’re not worth it. It means that there are other options which you haven’t explored. Getting help made me realize I’m not alone. I felt so alone; I felt so isolated that having that helped open my eyes to the fact that I can get through it.

The most amazing thing is that I can take my negative experiences and turn them into something positive.