I AM Neha - Anxiety and Depression

28th April, 2021    |    By  Batyr    |     901

“The more we talk about it, the more we’re going to empower other people to become brave and to become strong.” – Neha

Neha is one of five mental health storytellers from our ‘I Am’ series. Neha speaks about her experiences with severe anxiety and depression, migrating to Australia from Nepal and finding her voice through the Being Herd program.

Check out how you can become a mental health storyteller: www.batyr.com.au/being-herd

Thank you to Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation for their generous funding to make this campaign possible. If you’re going through a rough time and feel like you need support you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Music: L.K. McKay – Tip Toe

Also check the related topics:  

Depression Anxiety

Video provided by Batyr


Video Transcription

I AM Neha – Anxiety and Depression

Only by embracing your vulnerability are you going to come out the other side feeling powerful and strong. My family and I migrated from Nepal when I was around about three. I think being from an immigrant background, your parents take you to a new country so you can have the life that they want you to have.

I ended up failing a couple of subjects, and I ended up being on academic caution for my university. That’s when I started to question whether I was doing this for me or just to please my family. In 2011, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. I heard about the “Being Heard” workshop. I had no idea that you could go and freely talk about this in front of normal people, a group of random strangers.

People saying that they were so inspired or they were so proud, or that they saw strength in me. I never associated those words with my story of mental ill health. We all feel it, and I think the more we talk about it, the more we’re going to empower other people to become brave and to become strong.

Video by batyr