Making friends

29th April, 2017    |    By  ReachOut    |     1.6k

Remember when making friends was easy? Film Crew member Brendan Cain reminds us that it doesn’t have to be hard.

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Managing friendships

Video provided by ReachOut


Video Transcription

Making friends

A friend is somebody who’s nice to you, helps you when you need it, and is not mean to you like enemies. It’s someone who’s kind and, um, gives you things that you like sometimes.

It’s hard to make friends sometimes because, um, everyone feels a bit scared when they try to make new friends. Some people might be part of a cool group, and some people might be part of a smart group, and it may be hard to get friends.

It’s very important to, um, be yourself—not to, um, pretend you’re somebody you’re not.

You could go nearly anywhere to make new friends: high school, junior schools, university, and even the pub.

It’s a good idea to ask questions—not heaps and heaps, just some. It’s important to be confident. If you’re really shy and, like, you’re not saying the words properly, they may not understand you.

It’s important to be patient. You know, you can’t really rush into it.

If you want to have a friend, you need to be kind to them, share, and take turns doing what you like to do.

The most important thing about friendship is to always be nice, helpful, and careful.

Video by Reach Out