Video provided by Sexual Health Quarters
WEBSITEI guess I would want contraception today, something that I wouldn’t have to worry about. I think at school, I really heard about it with condoms and just the basic stuff. Hi, Mom! Yeah, one that wasn’t going to have negative side effects, so I wanted to try something different but I don’t know how to go about it. If they could create one that’s more catered to me, brilliant, you know, something that was reliable and easy to use. Finding the right contraception lets you decide your future.
Long-acting reversible contraceptives or LARCs are safe, effective, and let you get on with life without having to take something every day. My ideal form of contraception would be something that you can take and you don’t have to remember to take it every day. You can be relaxed with it and comfortable with it, knowing that there aren’t too many contacts that could ruin your body.
I definitely think that people who had more knowledge about it and girls felt a little bit more empowered and knew a little bit more about things than they did before. They were different, like their next step to go to it. I would maybe consider using the LARC method if I knew a bit more about it and the differences between them.
Long-acting reversible contraceptives or LARCs include IUDs and contraceptive implants. I get a lot of emotional lows and I don’t have it anymore; like, my body is normal now and everything works amazingly. Find out more; make an appointment at Sexual Health Quarters today.
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