‘It’s totally okay to be bummed out and be down on yourself…it’s normal, it’s natural.’ Illy talks about his music, mental health, and the importance of talking to someone when you are having a rou
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Music and our mental healthVideo provided by Music Feedback
I don’t mean to brag, but I’m a big city kid, gone with the wind, shooting from the hip, and all across the world, no difference. Every city in the world feels like home. Music has been, for me, a great way to express myself, my thoughts, and in that way, I guess it’s kind of been therapy of sorts for me. People that listen to it get a similar sort of catharsis sometimes. So, I don’t really speak necessarily directly about mental health, but I think just having music in your life—whether you’re creating it or whether you just enjoy listening to it—I think that’s a really important thing for general well-being.
So yeah, hold tight and get ready. It’s really important, and I think anytime in my life where I’ve had something and bottled it up, it’s always eventually been better when I just opened up to someone I trust about it. Inevitably, it’s better. So, I think, yeah, young people should be encouraged to speak to someone they trust—whether it’s a family member, a counsellor, or whoever—someone, even just a friend. No one should be going through hard times completely by themselves and feel like they can’t speak about it.
So, yeah, it should be totally encouraged, and it’s totally okay to be bummed out and be down on yourself, but as long as you’re able to recognize that and then speak about it and move beyond it, that’s normal. It’s natural.
Yes, it ain’t always what it seems, and that’s fine with me. This way, I wanna be, among the lights and the beat of the city in any direction, with the people around me. We get it. Just remember that everything feels better after you’ve slept on it. That’s been the one thing that I’ve learned more recently, in the last few years—that even when you’re a hothead, or if you’re down, like whether you’re angry or you’re upset or however you feel about something, it feels better after you’ve had a sleep.
So, if you can just get through the day to the point where you’re about to crash out, you will wake up feeling better. That would be the main thing, yeah. Ah, for the city.
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