I AM Tom - Grief

28th April, 2021    |    By  Batyr    |     1k

‘Life can always tackle you to the ground, but you can always get back up again.’ – Tom

Meet Tom, we travelled out to Orange in Central West NSW to capture his story of living with mental ill health in a regional town for our ‘I Am’ series. Tom is one of five mental health storytellers taking part in the campaign.

Thank you to Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation for their generous funding to make this campaign possible. If you’re going through a rough time and feel like you need support you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Music: Love Like A Sunset Pt II – Phoenix

Also check the related topics:  

Depression Coping with grief

Video provided by Batyr


Video Transcription

I AM Tom – Grief

Gonna waste a key to the ground, but you can always get back up. I first experienced my first bout of mental health struggles after the passing of my step mum. I just found myself in a spiral; I was doing the same mind-numbing stuff and I didn’t really have a purpose.

I actually talked to my dad. I had to go downstairs and I did pull him aside and say, “Mate, I’m struggling real bad.” The moment I reached out was the moment that my world changed. Exercise was pivotal in my getting better. There’s nothing better than strapping on the boots and running out with your best mate. It just takes your mind off things.

The coolest thing about regional life is walking down the Main Street and knowing everybody’s name. You know, what I would consider a classic stereotype of country stoicism. I think that’s what’s so great about Bhatiya and the Being Owed workshops. It reduces the stigma while having an open dialogue about mental health.

There are so many support services out there. There are so many people out there who’d be willing to help, and it’s a massive thing to work up the courage in yourself to reach out to someone. But it starts with you.

Video by batyr