Give It Time: 5 Helpful Ways to Move On After a Break Up

13th June, 2023    |    By  headspace    |     981

Breakups are tough. You might experience a rollercoaster of emotions, whether that’s sadness, relief, or anything in between. While feelings of pain and sadness might feel like they’ll be around forever, there are some steps you can take to help you feel better, sooner. For more tips on how to move on after a breakup, check out

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Video Transcription

Give It Time: 5 Helpful Ways to Move On After a Break Up

Are you going through a breakup? This can be a challenging time. You may experience a roller coaster of emotions. Regardless of which side of the breakup you’re on, it’s important to remember that it’s okay to feel however you feel. Whether you’re feeling sadness, relief, or anything in between, your emotions are completely valid and normal.

While feelings of pain and sadness might feel like they’ll be around forever, there are some steps you can take to help you feel better, sooner.

Number one: Give yourself some space.
You don’t need to shut your ex out of your life, but it might be helpful to try to avoid the person for a while after the breakup. This can include online interactions too. Space from the other person can give you a chance to think things through.

Number two: Keep busy doing things you enjoy.
It’s a great way to stay active and look after yourself. This could include going to the gym, playing an instrument, reading a book, or anything else you can immerse yourself in.

Number three: Talk to trusted and supportive people.
Sharing your feelings can help take things off your mind and is also an opportunity to connect with people who care about you.

Number four: Look after your body.
The use of drugs and alcohol might make moving on from a relationship take longer and can have serious long-term effects on your health.

Number five: Allow yourself time to heal.
Don’t rush. It’s a process that takes as long as it needs to. Everyone experiences things differently, so it’s important to find what works best for you.

If you’re the one ending the relationship, try to be considerate and respectful towards the other person. Breaking up can be tough for both of you. Be honest and clear about your reasons for ending things. It’s okay to feel sad for yourself and for the other person.

If you find out that your ex has moved on, it’s normal to feel upset. Doing things like lashing out or constantly checking up on them, either in person or on social media, can be unhelpful and might make you feel worse. Instead, focus on your own wellbeing and talk to someone you trust about your feelings.

If you’re finding a breakup difficult, it can be helpful to reach out for support. Whether it’s a family member, friend, GP, counsellor, Elder, or someone at your, centre or eheadspace, there’s always help available.

For more information, visit, and remember: you’re not alone, and support is always within reach.

Video by headspace