A gazillion ways to make new friends

16th October, 2017    |    By  Reach Out    |     2k

If you’re dealing with a bullying situation, it can often affect your whole friendship network. Here are a gazillion ways to get out there, meet new people and rebuild your friendship crew.

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Managing friendships Starting in a new place

Video provided by Reach Out


Video Transcription

A gazillion ways to make new friends

My best advice for making new friends is to find memes that you both enjoy, share those memes, and just create a culture of memes together. We made friends through Facebook. Go out to a coffee shop. Just go to events and things around the place. Just straight-up go and talk—that’s what I do. Organise to hang out sometime. Join something that gets you involved with people. Join a sports team. Get out there and do stuff. Go up and talk with people. Just put yourself out there as much as you can.

It’s important, as well, I reckon, to not take yourself too seriously all the time. Hit them with a joke because that’s a big icebreaker. Ask people questions about themselves—people like talking about themselves. If you see someone, just go up to them and say “hello” and start talking. Give someone a compliment. Smile at someone, ask “How is your day going?” and maybe put away your phone. Find out what they like that you have in common with them. Stalk them on Facebook.

Give people, you know, a little smile, a little hint of encouragement. Walk up to people, say “hi,” and ask them what their name is. Just start talking to new people. Some small talk. You just gotta have the confidence, I guess, to approach someone. And I think you have to be really confident and be a really good listener. People just like to be listened to.

Be kind. Be kind. Just be open to everything. Be completely yourself. Just be yourself. Be open and be yourself. Be genuine to who you are as a person. Just be a decent human being. Yeah.

Video by Reach Out