Effects of chroming

21st April, 2017    |    By  TINO    |     2.9k

A short video about the effect of chroming

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Video provided by TINO


Video Transcription

Effects of Chroming

Chroming is inhaling chemical products, usually spray paint or other items from around the house, to get a quick high. It can feel like sticking a slick throw-up on a car or mixing two colors in the air for maximum coverage, with no time to roll a CR before heading off to another state. Like alcohol and marijuana, inhalants are depressants, and the effects can vary from person to person. The effects can come on straight away because the poison enters your bloodstream through the lungs, not the stomach. Long-term use can lead to depression, confused thinking, and irreparable damage to your stomach, kidneys, liver, and brain. In some cases, it can even cause sudden death.

You can become psychologically dependent on chroming, and it can be very hard to stop. Suddenly stopping after regular use can cause withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, hostility, dizziness, the shakes, and nausea. Chroming may not be classified as illegal, but it’s just as toxic and dangerous as other drug use. Don’t think that just because the products are easy to get, it’s okay. The abuse of inhalable chemicals is against the law, and the police have the right to hold you if they think you’re a danger to yourself or others.

When you chrome, you can get a feeling of mild excitement or euphoria, but it doesn’t last long. Then there are the bad effects: breathlessness, agitation, sneezing, coughing, lack of coordination, nosebleeds, and headaches that can last all day. If someone has an adverse reaction while chroming, get help straight away. Remove any obstruction to their breathing and call an ambulance. Give the ambulance officers as much info as you can. Don’t worry about getting into trouble with the cops—ambulance officers aren’t obliged to involve them. Just be quick. Chroming is dangerous, an abuse of everyday products, and a waste of bloody paint.