Eating Disorders Myths...Busted

28th April, 2017    |    By  NEDC    |     1.8k

Some people think that eating disorders are a lifestyle choice, a diet “gone too far” or a cry for attention. Others think that someone with an eating disorder has only themselves to blame. All of these things are untrue. Someone with an eating disorder requires serious medical treatment, as well as help and support from friends and family.

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Eating Disorders

Video provided by NEDC


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Eating Disorders Myths…Busted

Do you have all the facts when it comes to eating disorders? See if you think these statements are true or false:

Eating disorders are a lifestyle choice and mostly about vanity.
That’s false. They’re a serious mental illness, and they can be life-threatening.

Dieting is a normal part of life.
That’s false. It’s good to make healthy food choices, but extreme dieting can cause major health issues, including eating disorders.

How about this one: Eating disorders are a cry for attention.
False. People often go to great lengths to hide eating disorders or may not even realize there’s a problem.

Parenting is to blame for eating disorders.
Yep, that’s false. There’s no evidence that certain parenting styles cause eating disorders. In fact, families and friends play a vital role in care, support, and recovery.

Eating disorders can affect anyone.
Actually, that one’s true. While some groups are more likely to develop an eating disorder, they can affect anyone of any age, gender, or cultural background.

So, how did you do? Eating disorders can be overcome with the right treatment and support, but the first step is having the right information. Sharing this video is a great start, and there’s a lot more info at