How to clear something up with a mate

16th June, 2021    |    By  The Man cave    |     714

In this video we show you how to bring something up that’s troubling you with a friend

Also check the related topics:  

Managing friendships

Video provided by The Man cave


Video Transcription

How to clear something up with a mate

Has a mate ever pissed you off?
Oh yeah.

Has your mate ever done something that still gets to you?

Or have you ever held back from pulling a mate up?

It sounds like what you need is a clearing.

This is you.
This is your mate.
And this is all the stuff—the problems, the troubles—the line between.

What a clearing is, is a chance to clear that energy, put it in the past, so you and your mate can get back to doing what you guys do best: being mates.

First off, think about the moment you want to talk about and how you feel about it.

The next step is to let your mate know that you’d like to have a real chat with them to clear something up.
“Hey, bro, can I have a chat with you just to clear something up between us?”

When you’re in the clearing, let them know what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling that way.
“Hey, man, I feel a lot of anger when you take the piss out of my nationality.”

The last thing is to let them know what you want them to do with the information you just shared.
“Yeah, I just want you to know that sometimes it actually gets to me, and I’d love it if you stopped.”

So, that’s how you do a clearing.

But a big PS: when you’re clearing with a mate, they may have some things to tell you, or they may have some deeper reasons for why they’re actually doing that towards you. In that moment, it’s your opportunity to do exactly what you’re asking them to do—just receive it.

I hope you liked this video, and for more videos like this, hit us up on Man Cave TV.

Video by The Man Cave