Ash London #thereslifeafter Year 12 Exams

29th April, 2017    |    By  ReachOut    |     1.6k

220,000 young Australians are about to go through one of the most stressful times of their lives: Year 12 exams.

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Ash London #thereslifeafter Year 12 Exams

My name is Ash London, and I did my Year 12 exams in 2004. In 2004, I was 17 going on 18. Year 12 was happening, which kind of stressed out everyone around me, but I was a bit like, “Nah.” I was really discovering music for the first time, actually, and dreaming of travels. I was probably too relaxed with my Year 12 exams. I don’t know why. I think I had lost my dad about a year and a half before, so I think I had a pretty good perspective. I was just like, “Look, the world and life are a lot more important than exams.”

But I was still a bit nervous that I would disappoint my mother, I think, if anything. I remember a couple of my friends pretty much losing the plot when it came to the Year 12 exams. One of my best friends would do practice exams over and over again, and then get the teachers to mark them. She actually nearly had a nervous breakdown over it all.

I kind of took it upon myself to be the serial relaxer of everybody. Things like, at lunchtime, instead of studying, “Let’s lie in the sun and talk about boys and pluck our eyebrows.”

There’s life after Year 12 exams, I promise.

Video by Reach Out