Alcohol and depression

12th February, 2021    |    By  BUPA    |     1.1k

Understand the effects alcohol can have on depression.

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Depression Anxiety Alcohol

Video provided by BUPA


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Alcohol and depression

While some people turn to alcohol to help cope with mental health symptoms, in the long run it can make things worse. That’s because the alcohol in your bloodstream is affecting the balance of chemicals in your brain. Alcohol can give you a short-term sense of pleasure, but can be followed by feelings of sadness and helplessness later. If you have an existing problem, such as depression, these feelings can amplify it, delaying your recovery.

To reduce your risks long-term, it’s recommended that you limit your consumption to no more than 2 standard drinks on any day, if you choose to drink at all. Changing alcohol habits takes time, but with support and encouragement from those around you, as well as your own perseverance, you may notice a shift towards a more positive mental and physical wellbeing.

Video by Bupa