Eating Disorder Recovery Talk with Millie”

17th May, 2021   |    By Body Matters   |    1 min read

In this episode of Body matters Road to Recovery Podcasts, we have another pre-recorded recovery talk from BodyMatters with special speaker, Millie.

Millie dives in deep on her personal recovery journey from the start to the end with her battle with anorexia for 15 years from the age of 12 to 27 years old.

Millie is now working as an Eating Disorder recovery coach and works with clients from around the world everyday to help them gain freedom from their eating disorders. We hope Millie’s journey inspires you as much as it did for us and that it inspires hope that recovery is possible!

For support

Butterfly’s National Helpline Call 1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673)

Also check the related topics:  

Eating Disorders

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