Condom 101: Understanding why, when and how to use condoms

By  Stop the Rise     |    Updated: 19th January, 2022    |    4 min read

Why should I use a condom?

Condoms are the only way to protect yourself and your partner from STIs. As a bonus, they can also prevent unwanted pregnancies.

You can think that you don’t have an STI and still have one, because you often won’t have symptoms. The same goes for your partner. Unless you have both had a sexual health check since the last time you had sex, having unprotected sex could leave you vulnerable to getting an STI.

If untreated, STIs can cause long term health consequences like pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. Is it really worth the risk?

When should I use a condom?

Condoms should be used every time you have sex. That includes vaginal sex, anal sex and oral sex. Use a new condom every time you have sex or change from having one type of sex to another.

Always use a condom if:

  • you are unsure of your partner’s sexual history
  • you think you or your partner might have an STI

If you decide to have unprotected sex, you and your partner should make sure you both get a sexual health check beforehand so you know you’re all clear.

How do I use a condom?

Follow the steps below:

  • check the expiry date on your condom packet (expired condoms might not work)
  • tear open the packet carefully
  • pinch the tip of the condom
  • roll it onto the erect penis
  • after ejaculation, hold the base of the condom and pull it off
  • finally, tie a knot in the condom and throw it away (but don’t flush them down the loo or drain: it’s bad for the environment and might end up in an embarrassing plumbing mishap).

If you and your partner want to, you can put lube on the outside of the condom. Only use water based lubricants on condoms.

Where can I get condoms?

You can get them from supermarkets, convenience stores, petrol stations, chemists and vending machines in places like public toilets and nightclubs.

These days, there are a wide variety of condoms available. They come in different sizes, textures, flavours and colours, can be lubricated or not, and can be made from latex or non-latex.

What should I do if a condom breaks?

If your condom breaks during sex, don’t panic. You’re not the first person and you won’t be the last to experience a broken condom. Just stop what you’re doing right away and withdraw from your partner’s body. Take the broken condom off, roll a new one on and get back to your business.

Condom breakage during sex usually means that you and your partner have been exposed to each other’s bodily fluids. It’s important for the both of you to get tested for STIs as soon as you can after exposure. That way you can be sure if you are free from infection.

If you are concerned about an unplanned pregnancy, you might want to consider the Emergency Contraceptive (EC) pill or ‘morning after pill’. You can purchase EC pills without a prescription over the counter at pharmacies. For more info, check the Queensland Health resources on contraception, or view the emergency contraception video below.

I’ve had unprotected sex, what should I do?

It’s time for you to get a sexual health check! If you’re sexually active, it’s recommended that you have a sexual health check at least once a year, and more often if you have unprotected sex or change partners.

Remember that not all STIs will give you symptoms, so you should get a check even if you don’t think anything is wrong. Most STIs are easy to test for and can be treated with a single dose of antibiotics.

You can ask for STI testing from your GP, Aboriginal Medical Services, sexual health services and some community-based testing sites. You can also order a free chlamydia test kit online.

If you have contracted an STI, you should tell any current and past sexual partners, so that they can be checked as well. This can certainly be a scary conversation to have with a partner but it’s an important one to help protect them and any of their future partners.

You can do this yourself, or use services like Let Them KnowThe Drama Down Under or Better to Know to pass on the information anonymously. Talk to your doctor about who you need to tell and how to tell them, or read the Queensland Government guidelines on finding out who you need to contact.

Also check the related topics:  

Sex Contraception Options

Factsheet provided by Stop the Rise


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