How would you react if a partner told you they had an STI?

19th January, 2022    |    By  Play It Safe    |     576

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Video provided by Play It Safe


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How would you react if a partner told you they had an STI?

I would be really happy because it means they’ve probably been to a doctor or a sexual health clinic and had an STI test. They know that information, so I’d probably congratulate them first of all, that they’ve been and done that, and also congratulate them that they feel confident enough to tell me. To be honest, there wouldn’t be any judgment. Say, for instance, it was herpes, it’s so common that we just make sure that we’re using the right protection needed, and yes, I would just support them in any way I could and let them know that it’s normal, not something to be ashamed about. STIs are both treatable and curable, depending on the STI you have. So, as long as you’re willing to work with them as a person, it shouldn’t matter.