Dealing with my exams

29th April, 2017   |    By Jennifer   |    2 min read

Having just completed my last exams of my schooling life, I have faced many challenges that have been bought upon me by both the people surrounding me and by myself. I was always one who had high expectations for myself as my siblings had sat their past HSC exams with high ATARs, as a consequence when it came to exams I would have panic attacks.

It wasn’t until I understood that at the end of the day, an exam would just give you a mark. At that moment you could be unsatisfied with it, but it became a motive to try to strive to achieve the best of my ability. One thing exams have taught me over the years is if you believe you can do it and strive to achieve the dream, nothing is impossible.

I found exams to be the most challenging aspect of my schooling life, and it is a chapter of our lives that we all face. Although we are all different, I found ways in which I would seek comfort in order to find inner peace within me to remain calm and collected for the approaching exams. This meant listening to music, taking walks alone to collect my thoughts, spending time with my pets or finding someone to confide in. When your schooling life comes to an end, you understand it is only a brief chapter in your life and there are many others that are in or have been in the same boat. If you face the challenges in life with full confidence, your life can only prosper. Therefore take it easy, one step at a time because there are multiple pathways in the world for each individual to explore, and if you have a passion for something, peruse it because a mark doesn’t matter if it interferes with your happiness, that every single individual deserves.

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