Youth yarn about... what makes a healthy relationship

8th January, 2021    |    By  Young Deadly Free    |     874

Relationships can be complicated! No matter what your relationship status is, it’s important to be aware of what a healthy and respectful relationship looks like.

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Video provided by Young Deadly Free


Video Transcription

Youth yarn about… what makes a healthy relationship

And that’s me finding actual love in the relationship, not just ownership. I think a lot of people get mixed up with, you know, ownership in a relationship. But in the relationship, you get to, you know, do what you want to do with that other person, respecting what your wishes are. And, yeah, that’s just… it’s supposed to be love, not ownership. Whoever the person is, they’re going to be your home, that makes you comfortable with who you are. I’d be able to talk to someone without any sort of judgment or abuse.

You shouldn’t be afraid or frightened to talk to your partner about anything whatsoever.
Respect feels like when you both have it, when it’s consensual on both ends. So, you’re just like having fun, making memories, and just enjoying each other’s company. Like, if you don’t have respect, then… and if your partner doesn’t respect you, then why are you sticking around? No, because it’s not good for yourself. I think, like, you need to put your health first. And I don’t think if you’re not in a respectful relationship, then you’re not being the best that you can be.

I think, you know, if you’re being respected, you’re not constantly feeling sad. You’re not constantly feeling worthless. You’re not constantly feeling like, “Why am I here?” Sort of thing.
Yeah, that’s appreciated. And, like, I feel good. It’s awesome.
Yeah, I’ll get a gift and stuff. I like to look after myself. Like, make some comfort food for myself. Always got something on the saucer to take when I’m hungry.
No, every song from my age category… looking for someone would be someone who has all the morals and same values as myself.
Oh, yeah. Someone who’s adventurous, respectful, trustworthy, and open when it comes to questions that are unanswerable or just questions that most people don’t like to talk about.
Yeah, not insecure about each other or where each other will be, or always thinking about what the other partner is doing.
Yeah, just being honest with each other. Some stuff that you find awkward with some people, you can be more comfortable with someone else because…
Yeah, you trust them. You can tell them anything. If you don’t stick to one partner, it’s good to be faithful to just that one person. If you love that one person, you don’t have to love the one person.
Why? The relationship is where I want someone to care for me as much as I care about them. And not all that jealousy stuff.
To respect me for who I am, but I don’t have to change for anyone. Just be myself.

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