Youth yarn about... what jealousy does to a relationship

8th January, 2021    |    By  Young Deadly Free    |     965

Jealousy in relationships… its pretty normal to feel jealous at some point in our relationships. The important thing to think about is how we deal with that and communicate about that with our partner. It’s important to know that jealousy is not a sign of love- it’s a sign of insecurity. Jealousy can lead to control which is not part of a healthy relationship.

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Video provided by Young Deadly Free


Video Transcription

Youth yarn about… what jealousy does to a relationship

Jealousy is not a good part of a healthy relationship because it can pretty much destroy it in the end, turning people against each other, you know, disengaging one person from the relationship.
Jealousy, I would definitely… I just walk away, and I take that as a positive thing for me to get out of the relationship. I just say, you know what, it’s just what you think of how I’m doing it. I just move along. I don’t need the negative things. I would rather just have positive things.
It’s not… it’s just making it hurt yourself inside, hurting the other person, and people around you. Huge energy, yeah, and doesn’t mix well with alcohol, so just get that.
I’ve had some pretty bad times, like especially with domestic violence. Most jealousy ends up down that way—domestic violence—and then, you know, it just becomes worse after that.
Jealousy does play a big part in a young person’s relationship. As I’ve experienced, like in seeing young people in a relationship, it was a huge factor. Just, I don’t know what it is. Like, it’s just the thought of them being with another person.
There are so many people out there that maybe they’re less attracted to you, but they say they’re attracted to you. But then, it’s a huge part.
I think the advice I would give someone in a relationship who is experiencing jealousy would be to confront them about why they’re being jealous. Even though that can be a sensitive thing to do as well, in the end, if it’s gotten worse before, you know, if it’s gotten worse from when it started, then it’s probably a good idea they’re not to be in a relationship.

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