Why do STIs have a stigma

19th January, 2022    |    By  Play It Safe    |     647

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Video provided by Play It Safe


Video Transcription

Why do STIs have a stigma

I think STIs have stigma because, like everything else sex-related, nobody really talks about it, which is really silly because it’s really mundane and basically everybody’s having sex. There’s a lot of people in the world that have STIs. 50 years ago, they were STIs, which were nearly as treatable or as curable as they are today, whereas now it’s just as simple as going to the doctor and seeing what they can do for you.

In high school, I remember just being shown really scary photos of what, like, the most extreme STIs could look like, and nothing about how you could treat them or talk about them. It’s not scary now because I know more, thanks to places like Play Safe, where I can ask questions to a health professional or just my peers to get more information about my symptoms and where I can go to get treatment.