What's an STI test like?

19th January, 2022    |    By  Play It Safe    |     646

For more info visit https://playsafe.health.nsw.gov.au/sti-testing/

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Sexual health check up

Video provided by Play It Safe


Video Transcription

What’s an STI test like?

It’s a bit daunting because it was with my family GP, my first one. But in all honesty, it shouldn’t be like that, and it really wasn’t. After I went through that process with her, it’s like any other doctor’s appointment – it’s fine. It was scary at first, and I remember my GP, when I went for the first time, I told her that I’ve had sex, and she said, “Yay!” It was horrifying, but now it’s fine. You just pee in a cup, it’s good. Um, it can be a little bit nerve-wracking at first, but it’s actually totally fine. You just go into the bathroom and pee in a cup. Sometimes they take some blood, and you’re good to go.