What is consent?

19th January, 2022    |    By  Family Planning NSW    |     643

An animated video for young people explaining consent in relationships. The video explores the importance of consent in intimate relationships, different ways of giving and taking away consent, and the law.

Also check the related topics:  

Sex and consent

Video provided by Family Planning NSW


Video Transcription

What is consent

So, what is consent? How do you give consent, and how do you know if someone else is giving consent?

Consent means giving permission to take part in something, like sexual activity. This can be kissing, hugging, touching, or something a bit more, like having sex. It might feel kind of weird to talk about, but it’s important that you know about consent if you’re already in a relationship, are thinking of getting into a relationship, or if you decide to get married in the future. And yes, you need consent even if you are married or in a relationship.

You also need consent if you are not in a relationship but want to take part in sexual activity.

So, how do you know if you have someone’s consent? Just ask. You might ask, “Are you okay with what we’re doing?” “Do you want to go further?” Sometimes it’s a simple yes or no. Sometimes it can be hard to know if you have someone’s consent. They might not speak but show you with their body language instead. They may fold their arms or lean away from you. This might mean they are uncomfortable, scared, or not okay. If they are not okay, you must stop what you were doing.

You need consent every time you take part in sexual activity. Just because someone said yes once, it does not mean that you have their consent every time. You can also change your mind if you don’t like what’s happening anymore. It’s perfectly fine to stop. Your partner can also change their mind anytime too.

Remember, consent can be taken away at any time. Both people need to communicate when giving or asking for consent. If someone is asleep, passed out, or influenced by alcohol or drugs, they cannot give consent, even if they gave consent earlier.

In New South Wales, the age of consent is 16 years. This is the legal age when someone is old enough to give consent for sexual activity. This means that when you are 16 years or older, you are old enough to say yes to having sex if you want.

If you want to know more about consent, you can visit www.fpnsw.org.au/knowyouhealth. If you want to talk to someone about consent or relationships, you can call Family Planning New South Wales talk line on 1300 658 886, Monday to Friday, anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Video by Family Planning NSW