Supporting a friend who tells you they’re in an abusive relationship

17th January, 2022    |    By  Domestic Violence Prevention Centre    |     666

A resource for children and young people who want to support a friend who has disclosed that they’re in an abusive relationship.

Also check the related topics:  

Abusive relationships

Video provided by Domestic Violence Prevention Centre


Video Transcription

Supporting a friend who tells you they’re in an abusive relationship

Abuse in a relationship can take on many forms. Your friend may have experienced:

  • Their partner monitoring what they’re doing, who they’re with, and where they are.
  • Physical injuries.
  • Being put down by their partner about their thoughts, ideas, appearance, and hopes.
  • Feeling pressured to have sex when they don’t want to, or in ways they don’t feel comfortable with.

You can support them by:

  • Listening respectfully.
  • Reassuring them that you believe them.
  • Asking them what they want and need from you, and listening without judgment.
  • Reassuring them that you are there for them.
  • Helping them access support if they want to.

If your friend lives in the Gold Coast or Beenleigh region, they can contact the Domestic Violence Prevention Centre at 5532 9000 or visit

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