Step 1: Kick your worries to the kerb | 5 steps to talking about bullying

29th April, 2017    |    By  ReachOut    |     2.1k

Bullying sucks and you shouldn’t have to deal with it alone. Rahart Adams shares 5 tips for how you can talk to someone about your bullying experience.
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Video provided by ReachOut


Video Transcription

Step 1: Kick your worries to the kerb | 5 steps to talking about bullying

Hey guys, Rahart Adams here, and I’m with ReachOut Australia to talk to you about how you can talk about your bullying experiences. If you’re being bullied, it can be really hard to even gain the courage to talk about it, but it is really important that you do. So, we’re here with five steps that will make it easier for you to talk about bullying.

The first step is to think about why you haven’t spoken to somebody about it yet. I call this, “Kick your worries to the kerb.”

ReachOut works really closely with mental health experts, and they all recommend that talking to somebody about your bullying experiences is the biggest and most important step that you can take to help yourself. I get it—maybe you feel like starting the first conversation is scary, and talking to somebody else is just getting somebody else in trouble, but that’s not the reality. The fact is that your health, happiness, and safety come first, and you don’t have to deal with this on your own. Take the time to acknowledge your worries, but don’t let them get in the way of getting the support that you need.

If you’ve already told someone, like a friend or a teacher, and you feel like they weren’t listening, it’s really important that you don’t give up and that you talk to somebody else about it. There’s plenty more information about this in the fifth video in this series.

That’s it for now, guys. I’ll be back in the next video with step 2, and if you’d like more information about bullying and how you can deal with it, visit us at or leave a comment in the forums.

Until then, I’ll see you guys next time.

Video by Reach Out